Hello,<br>If theres anyone else who wants to come to Cornwall, could you please sign-up by next Tuesday (1st June), and if theres anyone whos signed up but isn't coming, can you let me know asap. This will make it easier for us to organise everything, without having a last minute rush!<br>
In addition, I can confirm that the price of the trip will be £40.<br><br>All the best<br>Tom<br><br><i>Original email follows:<br><br>Hello,<br>The club's last trip will this year be again to Cornwall - to
the Land's End area, where there is some of the best sea cliff climbing
in the country. This trip is always one of the best trips of the year,
and at the moment, we're looking a numbers of people who would be
interested in going. <br><br>Some basic details:<br>-Price is likely to be £40, which covers 5 nights accomodation and travel costs. <br>-Accomodation is camping at <a href="http://www.cornishcamping.co.uk/index.html" target="_blank">Trevaylor campsite</a>,
just outside St Just. All the crags are within a 20 minute drive from
here. The site has plenty of facilities including toilets, showers and
a small shop (and a pub or two).<br>
-There are photos of previous trips on the club website<br><br>To come on this trip, you should ideally have climbed outside before, and know how to second. If in any doubt, please ask.<br><br>If
you're interested in coming, the sign-up is on the website. As well as
the putting down what equipment you need, could you also put whether
you have a tent (plus how big it is), and how sure you are you'd like
to come. And also if you have a car and are willing to drive.</i>
<br><br>--<br>Web: <a href="http://www.sumc.org.uk">http://www.sumc.org.uk</a><br>Forum: <a href="http://www.sumc.org.uk/cragchat">http://www.sumc.org.uk/cragchat</a><br><br>To unsubscribe from the SUMC mailing list, or edit your mailing list options, please visit <a href="http://www.sumc.org.uk/about/mailing-list">http://www.sumc.org.uk/about/mailing-list</a><br>