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Dear all<br>
<b>Weekend away trip</b><br>
We're going the peak district on the <b>4th November</b> (after
uni) until the <b>6th November</b> (arriving in swansea around
midnight). We'll be doing trad climbing at 2 awesome venues and a
bit of bouldering afterwards if you have any energy left. Expect
early starts, cold temperatures but high levels of fun and fresh
air. The peaks trips are definitely ones to go on and the ones
you'll rave about when you get back. <br>
The cost of the trip is<b> £30</b> but this doesn't include food.
I'll send an itinerary out for this one next week probably but we'll
meet at Fulton house at about 5:00pm on the friday. We're staying in
a small bunkhouse and we're utilising floor space so as many people
can come as possible.<br>
<b>Heres your kit list</b><br>
<li>Climbing clothes</li>
<li>Warm wear</li>
<li>Waterproofs (including trousers if you've got them!)</li>
<li>Water bottle (or buy one at the supermarket)</li>
<li>Money for takeaways</li>
<li>Your shiny new gear from gear night!</li>
<li>Hat and gloves (optional)</li>
<li>Headtorch (optional and very useful)<br>
<li>Daysack to take gear to the crag</li>
<li>Good approach shoes for outdoor walking</li>
<li>Climbing shoes from gear rep Joe (sort this before the trip if
you don't get any from gear night)</li>
<li>Sleeping mat</li>
<li>Sleeping bag</li>
Try to avoid bringing two rucksacks unless one is empty and used as
a day sack as space in cars are limited and if you don't have kit
you have three options; a) do nothing and risk having a crap
weekend, b) ask us for advice and buy your own or c) ask us to see
if someone has spare. This trip has the same stigma as the day trip
attached about <i>lead belaying</i> so read below about it. <br>
If you can't lead belay you will lose preference on coming on this
trip over someone who can. I know this sounds harsh, but
unfortunately its the responsibility that comes with climbing. This
doesn't mean we wont take people who can't lead belay, but we'd
prefer it if more people came, as our (leaders) well-being will be
in your hands.<br>
<u>Now, lead belaying is:</u><br>
watch from 30 seconds onwards for a video<br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHes0dPSonE">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHes0dPSonE</a><br>
Regular dynamic rock attendees know what top-rope belaying is - fine
for when the rope's already at the top. To get the rope to the top,
you have to lead a climb. Leading is going up a climb, and
protecting yourself on the way up using equipment either fixed in
place such as bolts (for sport climbing) or removable (trad
climbing). In case of a fall, the lead belayer has to react to catch
the falling climber.<br>
I won't go too much into it, but it involves doing exactly the same
as top-rope belaying, and the opposite technique. We need to teach
those who don't know it in order to maximise the number of people
who can come on the trips. <br>
<b>This lesson will take place at the Uni wall THIS THURSDAY (27th
October). If you don't attend then we will favour those who CAN
lead belay on trip priority.</b> If you can already lead belay,
can you please reply asap as we basically need you to prove you can
<i>before</i> we get to the crag.<br>
If you want to do a bit of research, I've got books Ill show people
that explain it well, or have a google/youtube for lead climbing or
lead belaying.<br>
Thats all for now, if I've forgotten something or you want to know
more, just send me an E-mail back!<br>
Ta for now!<br>
Matt Ev<br>