[mw-devel] CVS Update at silver.sucs.org: mw

Chris Fry fry at sucs.org
Sun Jul 7 18:04:41 BST 2002

CVSROOT:	/usr/local/src/cvs
Module name:	mw
Changes by:	fry at silver.sucs.org	02/07/07 18:04:41

Modified files:
	rooms          : 13 21 32 
Added files:
	rooms          : 800 801 802 803 

Log message:
	Reworked a bit of the lawn/driveway area.
	Added the "Cottington District Planning Office", and thats it - all of the
	room reworked and linked together nicely.
	If anyone wishes to start, there are some links for new areas around:
	614 - tunnel down to the sea. needs a nice half-way room with a stream
	and quartz roof - for reference material see the Ulgo caves in the
	Belgariad by David Eddings :)
	21 - path around the south of the manor, heads over downlands to the sea
	cliffs - plan to do a nice walk here, beaches, a path down, and some
	form of link to the above tunnel
	1026 - hidden path behind waterfall would be nice. perhaps linking up
	to the smugglers tunnel, and catacombs below cmc's house
	410 - Catacombs below cmc's house
	442 - Continue the lane northwards
	37 - The Gatehouse/Lodge
	470 - The hole
	422 - Continue the lane southwards
	20 - The wall, lawn etc.. all need doing
	6000 - Perhaps more on the milliways universe?
	There needs to be some catacombs system designed - would be nice to have
	everything turn you around so you have to use left/right/forwards/backwards,
	and depending on the direction you just came from these mean different
	things - AKA the Discworld MUD UU Library.
	The beaches, cliffs, and downlands all need designing, with maybe a
	lighthouse, boathouse, and even the ability to sail elsewhere.

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