[SUCS Devel] New delete script

Imran Hussain imranh at sucs.org
Sun Jul 12 19:01:54 BST 2015

On 12.07.2015 18:49, Justin Mitchell wrote:
> On Sun, 2015-07-12 at 16:52 +0100, Imran Hussain wrote:
>> 9. remove user (roles and privs) from postgres and msql dbs
> Probably best to pg_dump/mysqldump any databases owned by the user 
> into
> their relocated homedir rather than just straight removing it.

If they have databases that aren't just named after their username then 
we'd miss some. But looking at the list so far <username>* would catch 
all the dbs that we have so far.

I guess the script could have some user input at this point to ask if 
you want to 'assign' any DBs to a specific user.

>> 10. remove user info from the members table in the sucs db
> Have been meaning for a while (read: years) to archive this info
> somewhere, as i dont think we otherwise keep any list of past 
> members.

Yeah we don't have a list of old members unfortunately. We couldn't 
keep all the data we hold on members as I'm pretty confident it'd break 
the Data Protection Act.

I suggest we create a new table in the sucs db called oldmembers or 
something, id (INT) as a prmary key, username (TEXT), realname (TEXT). 
date_deleted (timestamp)

That way we have a record of old members, both names and usernames.

Imran Hussain

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