[SUCS Devel] [Git][sucs/sucs][add-new-logo] 7 commits: Merge branch '20191019_andy_vm_firewall'

Caleb Connolly kalube at sucs.org
Tue Sep 22 14:29:28 BST 2020

Caleb Connolly pushed to branch add-new-logo at sucs / SUCS

2897f143 by Imran Hussain at 2019-10-19T13:12:39+01:00
Merge branch '20191019_andy_vm_firewall'

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58d251d6 by Papergami45 at 2020-08-30T03:06:33+01:00
Add a styleguide to centralise SUCS colour/design

- - - - -
637a15d0 by Caleb Connolly at 2020-08-31T22:12:18+01:00
Merge branch '49-new-logo-and-general-design-language' into 'master'

Add a style guide to be adopted by SUCS websites and social media

See merge request sucs/sucs!4
- - - - -
a5c8a4fe by Caleb Connolly at 2020-09-16T18:19:52+01:00
Add docs and document wifi

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35ce38a7 by Caleb Connolly at 2020-09-16T18:22:01+01:00
More wifi docs

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94d8e3e8 by Zev Cooper-Bennun at 2020-09-22T14:28:50+01:00
Add logo from staff repo so that it's available for all users

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d3da6337 by Zev Cooper-Bennun at 2020-09-22T14:28:50+01:00
Move logo to Legacy subdirectory, update to new logo

- - - - -

14 changed files:

- + docs/wifi.md
- + logo/Legacy/-2020/Societies_Logo.jpg
- + logo/Legacy/-2020/sucs_s.png
- + logo/Legacy/-2020/sucs_s_sq_trans.png
- + logo/Legacy/-2020/sucs_s_sq_trans.svg
- + logo/Legacy/-2020/sucsbanner.svg
- + logo/Legacy/-2020/sucslogo.svg
- + logo/Legacy/-2020/sucslogo_trans.svg
- + logo/logo_full_no_background.svg
- + logo/logo_full_with_background.svg
- + logo/logo_minimal.svg
- + logo/printing_full.svg
- + logo/printing_minimal.svg
- + styleguide/styleguide.md


@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# SUCS Wifi
+SUCS WiFi Network uses TTLS-PAP authentication.
+Settings are:
+Security: WPA2 enterprise
+Authentication: TTLS / Tunneled TLS
+CA Cert: No Ca cert required / do not validate
+Leave all other fields blank and use your SUCS user/pass for the identity/password field.
+# Linux
+Note that iwd with NetworkManager as a frontend on Linux currently doesn't work with this connection method.

Binary files /dev/null and b/logo/Legacy/-2020/Societies_Logo.jpg differ

Binary files /dev/null and b/logo/Legacy/-2020/sucs_s.png differ

Binary files /dev/null and b/logo/Legacy/-2020/sucs_s_sq_trans.png differ

@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
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+# Intro
+This is a brief style guide for people creating SUCS content (posters, fliers, web design, etc).
+# Logos
+There are 4 logos for SUCS, and all follow different purposes:
+1. Primary - this logo is what you should use for most project, and includes the name of the society along with the icon.
+2. Icon - this is the logo but missing the text. This is most useful for when you need a more compact logo, eg website icons, chat icons, etc.
+3. Printing - these variations of the logo are missing the orange circle, are inverted, and are for printing SUCS materials onto white paper.
+4. Legacy - these are the old logos, and will be deprecated over time, being replaced with the new logo. You shouldn't have any reason to use these in most cases, but we will keep them around just in case.
+# Colors
+* Primary Orange - #e86c39
+* Secondary Orange - #DB863B
+* Primary Dark Grey - #141414
+* Secondary Dark Grey - #474747
+# Fonts
+1. Source Serif Pro - Formal
+2. Source Code Pro - Code Stuff/Logo 
+3. Source Sans Pro - General Text
+# Usage
+It's generally best to use Source Sans Pro for most text, and Serif Pro for more formal usage.
+Use the primary logo in all cases you can, apart from semi-formal to formal printing, in which case use the printing logo. Only use the icons when necessary, e.g the text would be too small to read using the main logo, or for something like a Discord icon.
+For printing etc, use pure white as the main colour. However, with digital projects, using Primary Dark Grey is the best choice, with Secondary Dark Grey as accenting. Introducing Primary Orange is essential, and best for interactive options. Use Secondary Orange for a "negative", and Primary Orange for a "positive". Eg, a join button - before joining, use Secondary Orange. After clicking join, switch it to primary orange.

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