[SUCS] Important: SUCS AGM

Dave Arter davea at sucs.org
Sat Feb 26 23:02:11 GMT 2005

Fellow SUCS members,

As you may know, Swansea University Computer Society holds an Annual
General Meeting on a yearly basis, and that time of year has come around
The AGM is an important event, as it is one of the best opportunities we
(the executive) have to receive and act upon the views and wishes of all 
our members.

To this end, you are cordially invited to attend this year's meeting, 
which is being held in Lecture Theatre C in the Glyndwr Building, at 6pm 
on Monday 7th March. This building is labelled as 11.1 on the following 
map: http://sucs.org/services/room.php
Directions to the room will be clearly signposted inside the building, 
but we will also have a guide who will take you from the SUCS room to 
the meeting.

There will be several key issues on the agenda, including:
   * What to spend this year's budget on.
    This is an especially important issue as we need
    to know what YOU, the members, want from the society
    in terms of new, faster and improved equipment.

   * New services we plan to offer.
     We are currently planning to host a game server on our
     network that will be accessible from any machine on the
     university network (including Halls of Residence and
     Hendrefoelan). Games that we are hoping to host include
     Counter-Strike: Source, HL2 Deathmatch, UT2004, etc.
     This is of course going to be a very exciting development,
     so we'd really like to see what the general opinion on this
     issue is.

  * Changes to the SUCS Constitution.
     (see http://sucs.org/info/constitution.php )
     There are a couple of changes we're proposing, namely:
     Clause 2.2.4: Update to
     'Retiring committee members become honorary members of
     the society, if they deserve it.'
     Section 4: Updated to actually include the position of
     Publicity Officer.

   * Other issues:
     Right, this is where you come in! If there is anything
     you would like us to talk about, then please let us know.
     You can either e-mail us at exec at sucs.org or bring the issue
     up on the night, but the more feedback we get, the better we
     can make *your* society.

Once again, this really is the best opportunity for you to make your 
views and requests known, and the best time for us to act upon these 
requests, so please do come along. It's not going to be a majorly formal 
event at all, it'll just be like having a chat to us in the SUCS room 
but, er, without the computers.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as can make it there.

On behalf of the SUCS exec team,

Dave Arter
SUCS Secretary

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