[SUCS] SUCS End of Exams Party

James Frost frosty at sucs.org
Sun Jan 29 12:43:52 GMT 2006

Dear Computer Society Member,

Exams are over, for another term, and I'm sure I'm not alone in being
extremely pleased by that.

To celebrate, SUCS will be holding an End of Exams Party, on
Saturday 4th February at 7:30pm. And you, of course, are very much invited.

We'll be holding it at 20 Glanbrydan Avenue, Uplands, Swansea (the location
of the extremely successful Christmas party). Here's a map from the uni
to the house:


It's about a 15 minute walk from campus. Look for a bright red door and
the number 20 on the gate/door.

If you'd prefer to walk to the party from uni with us, we will be in JCs
from around 6:30pm onwards to meet up and then walk you to the house
(it'll be dark, we don't want you walking alone :) )

We'll be providing snacks and nibbles and other assorted dealies, so all
you need to do is bring whatever you'd like to drink.

Finally, don't forget that we're also still holding regular socials, every
Friday at 1pm in JCs bar, on campus. Please come along!

As always, if you have any questions email exec at sucs.org or join us on
milliways http://sucs.org/wiki/milliways

See you at the party!

James Frost
SUCS President
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