[Xtreme] Merry Christmas!

Deputy Station Manager deputy at xtremeradio.org
Tue Dec 9 11:27:30 GMT 2014

Hi all!

Firstly, a quick super well done to everyone who has been doing shows and
getting involved lately, I've been listening to almost everyone's shows
these last couple of weeks and they're all sounding great. Mostly, because
people are spending a lot of time to prepare their shows, and that makes
them sound 1 MILLION times better.
*Now we're back, what now?*

Well, first things first, it's Christmas! So let's start off with the Media
Christmas Meal! 7pm Thursday the 11th December at Pub on the Pond and we
need to know ASAP if you're coming, so *Please reply to this email saying
if you're coming or not BY TODAY!!!! Also dont forget the theme is

*Here's the menu, *http://oi59.tinypic.com/2yjopdl.jpg Please email your
choices to radio at swansea-union.co.uk or message the committee or Sophie
*And what about January?*

We've got big things planned in January, when we come back, and we *NEED
YOUR HELP TO DO IT. *We want to hit the ground running in January, we want
to be running shows, competitions, events and also have a huge promo push,
where we make everyone in Swansea know who Xtreme is and that we're back.
But the problem is, the committee can't do this alone, we need you guys to
help us, we need as many people as possible to join the promo team and help
Tammy, (our head of promotion) to get Xtreme back on the map!

We'll also be back and able to do pre-records by January, so people who
have had scheduling problems with their shows these should now be
addressed. So YAYY.

We also have a lot of other fun and exciting projects to start in January,
so if you or anyone you know wants to get involved in one of our teams
here's a quick reminder of who we have and what they offer:
Music Team: (Dan and Ope)


music at xtremeradio.org

Get involved in helping to choose what music goes on the station! Help
shows make sure they have their playlists loaded ready for their shows, and
listen and review some of our top tracks that we get sent free and early!

Promo Team: (Tammy)


Promo at xtremeradio.org

Help Work on sponsorship deals with local clubs and companies, help
publicise and push the ideas of our station! Or if you think you can design
a better cover photo (please).
Engineering Team (Will and Rhys)


engineering at xtremeradio.org

Ever wondered how it all works? Whether you're a sound engineer or just
intwerested, or if you want to help out with the PCs and streaming side of
things, LET US KNOW!
Finally, some thank yous!

We on the committee are really proud that we're back up and running, and we
want to take this chance to thank you all as members for being so patient.
There's no denying that this year has not started off as we had hoped it
would. But we're nearly at the point we had hoped we'd be at, and we're
really happy with that. If you're wondering who to thank for the radio
being back on air it's the following people:

The SUCS team, especially Sam and Imran, who have spent hours helping us!

The Ents team, especially Ben Rees, who's been brilliant at helping with
financial stuff.

Our lovely Media rep in Sophie Wiggins, who's been constantly fighting for

But mostly, it's you guys. Everyone of you who has paid your membership,
come along to socials, planned your shows, helped other people with their
shows, helped on any of the different teams.. You gys are the reason we're

*Thanks guys, and Happy Christmas!*

P.S: Make sure you've all liked our Facebook page
<https://www.facebook.com/xtremeradio?fref=ts> and Followed us on Twitter
<https://twitter.com/xtremeradio> and are in our members group
<https://www.facebook.com/groups/661005944013760/?fref=ts> for everyone to
keep up to date with all the latest news!

P.P.S: I have also attached a copy of the Show Schedule!

Fred Kirby
Deputy Station Manager

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