[Pybackpack] pybackpack thoughts and future

seth vidal skvidal at fedoraproject.org
Wed Aug 22 14:51:35 BST 2007

On Wed, 2007-08-22 at 13:39 +0100, Andrew Price wrote:
> This looks really good. The direction pybackpack is moving in at the
> moment is to be desktop-environment-agnostic so I'm trying to remove
> GNOME dependencies from the core program but extensions like this,
> distributed separately, would be a great addition.

Fair enough - I'm mostly interested in making the backup tool integrate
a bit more so it will be used. I was a sysadmin for 10 years and the
biggest problem I've seen was people failing to make their own backups.

I was thinking that an applet throbber (and btw I believe that gnome
applets work on kde and xfce as well) would be the next thing to work

> I've had a quick play with it and it looks good. It probably shouldn't
> list the "home" backup set though because that's treated as a special
> case by pybackpack.

I made that change and uploaded the extension to the same location.

> Do let me know if any changes can be made to pybackpack to make it
> easier to extend like this. Python being Python, it shouldn't be too
> hard to rejig pybackpack to offer APIs for plugging in backup modules
> (e.g. a module using duplicity) etc.

That's one of the things I was thinking about. Another is to plugin very
odd modules like plugging in a flickr-backup module for images.

So pybackpack would definitely need a backup-set abstraction that
doesn't include the rdiff-interface.

The other thing I was wondering about was the use of globals w/i the
FindSets(). Wouldn't it be easier to have a class object which is
'backup sets' and when you instantiate the object it grabs the list of
backup sets from your config files and has them ready in the object? 

so you end up with pseudo-code like:

backups = BackupSets(configpath='/home/skvidal/.pybackpack')

for backup in backups:
    print backup.name
    print backup.filelist
    print backup.desc


does that make any sense? Maybe I'm misreading the code - I'm just
getting started with it - so bear with me if I'm just way
crack-ridden. :)

thanks for the response!

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