[RAG] Valentines Day, with a Rag Twist

Swansea RAG swansearag at hotmail.co.uk
Fri Jan 28 13:30:19 GMT 2011

Hey Guys
Hope that you all enjoyed your Christmas Break, and hope that any exams have gone well. 
This year, Valentines day will see the start of Rag Week.Which means that there will be a lot of Valentines day related stuff going on.
We are planning Cupid Gnoming, a bake sale and a valentines delivery service around campus. 
For anyone who doesn't know what Gnoming is, It is an annual Rag Week Tradition, where people pay us money to annoy their mates, lectures, well anyone they want, then dressed as gnomes, or this year cupids. we annoy the person until they match the amount that was originally paid. But you can't tell them how much was put on them. which makes it all more frustrating for them. For anyone who saw the elfing before Christmas. It is basically the same thing. 
Therefore I am emailing, to ask if you are free and willing, to be a gnome, delivery valentine's or even just baking us a few cakes ad buns. Can you please message me back. so that I know who is able to help out. Then I will message those people with more details nearer the time
Also if you know anyone else who is interested or if your a member another society and can forward this message to them. that would be greatly appreciated.
Regards Bethany Oyston(Rag Events Officer)
Swansea University RAG – Raise and
c/o Swansea University Students' UnionUnion HouseSwansea UniversitySingleton ParkSwanseaSA2 8PP

During the 2009-2010 academic term we raised over £28,000 for our charities.

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