[Jokes] Doh!

McKenna, Chris (RDSSW) chris.mckenna at defra.gsi.gov.uk
Wed Aug 28 12:04:19 BST 2002

 <<...OLE_Obj...>>  Ananova: 

Motorist facing charges after using cigarette lighter to check fuel tank
A Slovakian motorist who blew up his car and a petrol station when he used a
cigarette lighter to look into his petrol tank is to be charged with
endangering public safety.
The 30 year-old, not named by police, says his fuel gauge had broken and he
had pulled into the petrol station to see if there was fuel in the tank.
He says he could not see into the tank and used the lighter to allow him to
see into the nozzle.
The naked flame ignited the tank and, as the panicked motorist fled, the
fire spread and demolished much of the small petrol station in the west
Slovak town of Horna Streda.
The motorist was treated for burns and two other people who were badly
injured when his car's fuel tank blew up are still in hospital, Slovak media
Story filed: 11:55 Wednesday 28th August 2002

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